Being Betty White #NewYearsResolutions #BeBetty

This New Year’s I glibly updated my Facebook status to say my New Year’s Resolution was to “Be Betty White.”  My sister and close friends commented I already had a good start – dirty mind and sense of humor.

So, as the second week of February approaches I realize that I’ve seriously undertaken my resolution.  Consider what it would take to be Betty White and you’ll understand why this is the perfect self-improvement resolution that is fun and achievable.

I recently read her book “If You Ask Me: And of Course You Won’t” and was pleasantly surprised that my goal to “Be Betty” wasn’t so far fetched or unattainable.  We both love dogs, we both love our work, and of course there is the whole short term memory loss thingamabob.  I have decided each month I shall reassess my resolution to “Be Betty.”  Six weeks in to the New Year and I’m not doing too bad…

First of all, the woman married a very funny man and the love of her life.  I got that nailed…

imgres-1 1990 Pajaro Dunes





Secondly, she has a good sense of humor with amazing comedic timing; can laugh at herself; can laugh with others; and appreciates others.  I think those are goals that some days are easier to achieve than others, but realistically I love them as goals to set for myself.  I work on it every day, trying to find humor in the crap that would bog me down.  As far as comedic timing goes, I find myself listening more and reconsidering my words – are they mean, or are they funny?  Am I making fun of me or someone else?  While Sue Ann Nivens might have tossed a few barbs here and there, it was her outrageous contrast of Happy Homemaker to sex-vixen that was the comedy.

Third, she’s 93 years old and still working, still active, and still ambulating on her own.  I would LOVE that.  So, I joined a gym, because Betty’s advice in “If You Ask Me” is to never let yourself gain more than five pounds.  It’ll be a year or more before I get to a healthy weight, but I will not gain more weight – and I haven’t.  In my goal to “Be Betty” I recognize that fitness and health are required to survive to my nineties, so as part of my resolution I’m working toward being healthier and carving time out of each weekday to work out.  All I can say is thank God the master bedroom is on the first floor because stairs hurt too much 😉

Lastly, I will read more about Betty – not that I actually want to become her in a stalkerish, crazy person way – but the woman is positive, healthy, kind to animals – and lets not forget she can say the most inappropriate things and get away with it.  (Writing is a good outlet for me as far as that goes, and working hard is a Betty White trait.)

As far as New Year’s Resolutions go, I think this is the best one I’ve ever come up with.  Betty is sort of St. Francis of Assissi and Auntie Mame rolled into one, and yet, I’m sure I will discover she is so much more.

Need more encouragement to “BeBetty” with me?  Check out this video from UK – This Girl Can.  Makes me feel better about getting all sweaty on the Arc Elliptical.


Recent Comments

  • Leslie
    February 12, 2015 - 10:44 am · Reply

    I couldn’t agree more. I am back on MyFitnessPal and have lost 3 pounds as of this morning. Helps to have Katherine cooking me dinner every night! I would love to be more fun, funny, smiling and generally bringing the joy like Betty White seems to be…gonna work on that!

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