#Deadpool ManCandyMonday Ryan Reynolds proves sexy is more than just looks…

I LOVED Deadpool. Loved it. Admittedly, I’m a superhero geek preferring Stan Lee’s Marvel Hero’s to DC EVERY TIME. In fact, I’m pretty sure that should be an eHarmony question. Total deal-breaker. I love Stan Lee’s heroes, from Spiderman to Hulk to Thor to Deadpool; while Superman, Batman, and the Flash leave me cold. Seriously. I’m a middle-aged woman who is thrilled her 17 year-old son recognizes that Spiderman will always be way cooler than Batman. If you haven’t yet seen the movie, don’t take your kids – it’s totally inappropriate to laugh at the same scenes they do, no matter what your ages are… I’m lucky enough to have my adult niece living with me and we can enjoy the ManCandy of Ryan Reynolds and the totally inappropriate humor of Deadpool.

We missed you Leslie and Katherine F!



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