Hola! Me llama Tobi and today we’ll be learning some ridiculous phrases for your date night with a Spanish-speaking friend.
Be sure to review lessons one through four where we start with introductions and end with asking someone for a date.
We’ll start with my favorite toast…
To the men with long tongues who know how to use them.
A los hombres que tienen lenguas largas y sepan como usarlos.
Now, I could’ve totally lied and told you that “A Los hombres que tienen lenguas largas y sepan como usarlos,” translated to, “May the road rise up to meet you,” but this is your favorite Aunt Tobi, and this bitch has your back.
I would like – Yo quiero
I do not want – Yo no quiero
Where is? – ¿Dónde esta?
Where is the bathroom? – ¿Dónde está el baño?
Back there. Allí.
To the right. Al derecho. (By the way, derecho is also law, which kind of works because it’s right, right?)
To the left. Al izquierdo.
Straight ahead. Al frente. Or also “derecho.” Seriously, right and straight are both derecho. Ay díos mio, stake out the bathroom first, ladies.
In the corner. En la esquina.
I’m hungry – ¡Tengo hambre!
I’m thirsty – ¡Tengo sed!
Would you like something to eat? – ¿Quieres algo para comer?
Would you like something to drink? – ¿Quieres algo para beber?
What would you like to eat? – ¿Qué quieres comer?
What do you recommend? – ¿Qué nos recomienda?
That might be a good idea – A lo mejor es interesante hacer eso .
Are you kidding me? – ¿Estás de coña?
Delicious! – ¡Riquísimo!
If your date is going well, excelente. The language of love is universal. Mostly. To be honest, it’s all fun and games until someone forgets the lube. Todo es diversión y juegos hasta que alguien se olvida el lubricante.
Speaking of which, condom is condón. (Kind of looks like condone, right?)
But if your date is going bad, here are some phrases to get you out of there quickly.
It’s been fun, but I have to get up early. Ha sido divertido, pero tengo que levantarme temprano.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior? ¿Has aceptado jesucristo como tu señor y salvador?
My irritable bowel syndrome is acting up. Me molesta el síndrome del intestino irritable.
Maybe you should go.- Tal vez tú debieras ir.
You know what might not be a bad idea…? – ¿Sabes qué podrías hacer?
Give me a minute and then I’ll let follow you out. Dame un minuto y luego te seguiré.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior? ¿Has aceptado Jesucristo como tu señor y salvador?
Can you give me any advice? – ¿Puedes darme algún consejo?
I have a rash… there. Tengo una erupción … allí.
Do you know of a 24 hour medical clinic? ¿Conoces una clínica médica 24 horas?
We should be safe, I’ve been taking antibiotics for 24 hours. Deberíamos estar seguros, he estado tomando antibióticos durante 24 horas.
I can’t believe it. Are you saying you want to get married, tonight? No me lo puedo creer. ¿Estás diciendo que quieres casarte esta noche?
That’s incredible – Es increíble
I have to call my mom right now. Necesito llamar mi mamá ahoro mismo.
I hope you have an amazing Valentine’s Day. I’ll be celebrating with the hubs 🙂
I really hope you enjoyed this week’s lesson. Join me next week, we’ll be learning days of the week and of course, suggestive phrases.
Follow me to get notified when the next lesson is published.You can hit me up on Twitter @tobidoyle, or at my website tobidoyle.com, or on Facebook Tobi Doyle, Author.
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