Today is my 24th wedding anniversary. When I was at the RWA Rita Awards I noticed that every winner thanked their husband and family. It’s true, there’s no way I would have the patience, time, or desire to write without my husband’s support and love. He makes me laugh everyday. Now that’s sexy…
This is my favorite picture of him. He’s holding our oldest daughter and the love he has for her made me fall in love with him all over again.
Jokes he’s made that still crack me up include:
- Preparation H should come out with a new line – Call of Doodie, Dark Ops.
- ManCandy should be graded from Necco Wafers to Truffles.
- If a Navy Seal is wearing tone on tone and makeup, is he considered metrosexual?
And he likes to travel. I’m totally winning on this whole marriage gig!
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