Winter is coming…
And with winter comes really bad commercials about purchasing expensive and unnecessary presents. (Although I really do want the Red Rider BB gun with the compass in the stock and the thingy that tells time.) Walking into my favorite store to purchase copious amounts of fun-sized candy I had to pass by the Christmas decorations to find the Halloween decorations. Sheesh. They don’t have “Thanksgiving” decorations out yet, I suppose they’ll take the place of the Halloween stuff once it’s consolidated on the clearance aisle.
Anyway, since I’m doing ManCandyMondays and FlashFictionFridays I thought I’d do WTFWednesdays. Today’s WTF is regarding the commercials targeted to women encouraging us to purchase personal grooming (nose trimmers) for our significant male partner. It’s a personal groomer. Personal… as in buy for yourself. So just because my husband’s eyebrows are long enough for a comb-over, I would NEVER purchase something that personal. I love my husband, Brezhnev eyebrows and all.
WTF? Do marketing people really think this through? They should be targeting men. Women already shave too many bits as it is. Marketers must believe our self-depilating tendencies will translate to ridding our partners, our children, heck, even the dog of extraneous hair. I’m not saying it isn’t a fine product or that people don’t need to shave their nose hair because we’ve all been there, talking to someone but our eyes are trained to the nasal follicular monstrosity that waves in front of us. I’m simply suggesting that a personal nose trimmer would not be a reasonable or wanted holiday gift to a loved one. Maybe the office gag gift… but I still prefer Chia pets.