#WTF Wednesday – I’m over “hyper-hipster” beards. Seriously.

My husband – who I married 26 years ago tomorrow – decided to grow a beard a couple of years ago. Why? Because he’s tired of shaving. I don’t blame him and I like his beard. He mows every week, to keep the wild ones at bay, and I’m happy with that. Because, I don’t want to be married to Seneca from Hunger Games (see above). I’m all for defurring a unibrow. But lately – I’ve noticed a topiary change among beard dudes. Not so much in West Virginia, because guys are guys, and these guys don’t put product in their hair, much less their beards. I’m more likely to find a Duck Commander than a hipster, and I honestly prefer a regular dude than someone who thinks record players and typewriters are sweet. So, I stumbled upon this YouTube video and I have to know if you agree with me that the “Befores” are better than the “Afters”?


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