Are you participating in #NaNoWriMo? Here’s some #MondayMotivation – add a character who “gets” people.
In my book, he’s Carter, the new guy with crazy intuition and a sexy southern Matthew McConnaughey drawl. His voice is low and lazy, but he seems to understand people right away. Perceptive, intuitive, a quiet strength kind of guy. Low simmer, but this guy has heat.
Have I told you how much I LOVE the guys from Garza Security? There’s eight so far and each one will get their romance. Still Waters is the first in the series and released this March. Carter works with AJ, Joaquin’s little brother. AJ’s the subject of my current #NaNo project. If you read Still Waters (and shameless plug it’s free on Kindle Unlimited until Feb. 11) then you’ll know that at Joaquin’s and Sara’s wedding, AJ admits he likes someone and Joaquin tells her to hunt her down. And so he does… It’s fun to write about characters you love and like, and who are flawed like the rest of us.
Are you struggling with your Nano project? Head on over to my writing resources page, I’ve got a couple of powerpoints that should help get you motivated. Just keep writing. It’s gonna suck. Fix the words and structure in January, but get your first draft down NOW! You can do it.
Carter wants you to do it.
More fun, if you’re in the mood to surf, check out my book boyfriend finder on my website to find the perfect guy to worship you tonight. Let me know if I messed up any of the pages. If you’ve ever met me at a signing, this is the digital version of my “flowchart” although Becca and I have added Trial Romance to the flowchart as well.
Happy Monday!