October 12, 2016

*This WTF article should be read with a grain of salt (preferably sitting on top of a French fry) and tongue in cheek. Ben Kassoy’s article in GQ offers six rules for casual sex, and as a romance author I was curious what the “rules” for a hook-up should be. I was expecting something like,…

February 3, 2016

Richard Simmons… What can we say about him? He is amazing, well, perhaps astounding is a better word. He did get my grandmother up and moving, and I do remember being a kid and working out with her in my family room. He’s a lovely man and truly interested in health for everyone. And he’s a…

November 4, 2015

So, when I came upon this little commercial thanks to TastefullyOffensive’s Tumblr I thought, that can’t be for real… but a short search on amazon.com for the Squatty Potty and I found out it is!!! WTF?!? YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO – it’s probably not safe for work… Unless you work at home like…

October 28, 2015

Adorable and yet oh-so-creepy, right? Hope you have a happy Halloween. It drives me crazy that it isn’t “celebrated” on October 31 for children, instead they pick a school day. WTF, right? Talk about the woosification of children. Man, we went out in princess costumes with high heels, no coat, looking for the good candy….

October 21, 2015

This is what happens when the assignment is to “paint a candle flame”. In the teacher’s defense, perhaps they didn’t realize the outcome would so… um, vulval??? This just cracks me up, and probably because I have a dirty mind and the teacher doesn’t.

October 14, 2015

Ok, not that I want to get all political on you because I really don’t. I’m not apathetic, I’m typically disgusted at human behavior and therefore like to stay in my little make-believe world of romantic Happily-Ever-Afters. However, SNL’s Abilify may solve all our country’s problems. Can I get an ‘amen’? If your ICD-10 classification…

October 8, 2015

This PSA is one of my favorites, and I totally support Kevin Bacon in his mission to bring more male full frontal nudity to films. Watch his PSA for yourself:)

September 12, 2015

Tonight we walked past the Seattle gum wall. At first I was thinking, hey, that’s really pretty, all those different colors. And then I got up close and gagged. It reminded me of when I taught middle school. My “gum chewing” rule was – throw it in the garbage when you’re done. Why? Because if…