January 31, 2019

If you don’t see the audio, go to tobidoyle.com directly 🙂 Transcript below:) Hola, mis amigos. Bienvenidos a lección cuatro con Tobi. Look at you, listening to Spanish and understanding. Muy bien. Well done! Our next two lessons are going to prep you for asking that special someone to eat food with you, and maybe…

January 30, 2019

Never heard of Squarespace before, but I’m guessing it’s like WordPress or GoDaddy… Don’t care. Idris. Elba. You’re welcome. If you don’t see the video below, be sure to go to my website to watch it or here:https://ispot.tv/a/ITvW

January 14, 2019

I’ll be publishing my books at iTunes, Kobo, and other major retailers in February. Definitely download and read today if you are a #KindleUnlimited user. It could be a year or longer before they return to KU. Need help to decide which of my books to read first? Check out the book boyfriend finder page!

December 14, 2018

I read a variety of books, mostly romance and mystery/suspense, but I love great characters that suck me into their world. These books definitely do that, and while both are very well-written, they’re also completely different, so no matter what mood you’re in, one of these will make a perfect companion to curling up on…

November 21, 2018

Becca and I are thankful for all our readers! It was wonderful meeting so many of you at Rebels and Readers in Huntington. We hope you get a chance to cuddle up with your Kindle, and to help, we just put almost ALL of our books up on Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program. Most will be coming…

November 14, 2018

I saw a fart ad on TV, and of course I had to share it with you. The science behind this is that activated charcoal does bind with positively charged molecules. Emergency Rooms give patients that have ingested something dangerous activated charcoal to drink in order to bind with whatever poison/toxin they’ve ingested. HOWEVER, as…