May 20, 2015

Naming a generation seems to take FOREVER… and it’s fuzzy too. Honestly, if my husband is “technically” a baby boomer (born between 1946 and 1964) and I’m technically an x-gener (1960-1980) you’d think there would be a huge age difference or major cultural difference in our childhood memories. But no – we both watched reruns…

May 13, 2015

What can I say, I write steamy romance and when I saw this picture I had to investigate… For those of us with dirty minds – it’s a vacuum cleaner.  Yeah, sure it is. Would have made for a hell of a mother’s day gift. Just sayin’.  

April 22, 2015

Kale? WTF? The New York City Food Bank challenges us to spend $1.38 per meal for seven days – $29.00 per person for an entire week. Gwyneth Paltrow took the challenge and failed. Well, hello she bought kale and sweet potatoes #CrazyWhiteChick. Seriously WTF white girl? Who freaking buys kale and sweet potatoes with food…

April 15, 2015

My son sent me this youtube link and I died. I swear to God I think I lived below these folks. I’m so glad we own a house now! True story, about twenty years ago we lived in an apartment complex with several college students. We were the “older” young married couple and I was…

April 8, 2015

I wonder what the purpose of migraines and mosquitoes are. I hate migraines. Fortunately they don’t bother me as much as they used to in my twenties but I have to wonder what evolutionary purpose they have? Worse, I learned they are genetically linked so while I watched my mother suffer from them when I…