July 6, 2016

I’m older. I write romance. I even write sex scenes that are probably physically impossible. Truthfully, I’m coming up on my 25th anniversary and I can say there are many things we tried in our twenties that arthritic hips and bad knees make uncomfortable, if not downright dangerous. Sex against a wall? Yeah, I’m 5’10”, that…

January 13, 2016

I’m not even sure how I found the website, but it’s real. Indiana University researched women’s orgasms, specifically what works and what doesn’t and compiled the data for you. For a low one-time fee of $39.00 you too can become the sex-god or goddess you’ve always wanted to be. They interviewed 2000 women and compiled…

August 26, 2015

I stood this morning in my kitchen, barefoot, robe on, eyes barely open, my body moving on autopilot. My son came in and greeted me and I stood, holding the glass cabinet door open staring at wine glasses. My feeble brain was unable to comprehend what my next move should be. I stood, frozen in…

August 12, 2015

Perhaps the Ukrainians can rest now that Putin is seeking to take on the North Pole. He’s told the United Nations that the Russian Federation has the right to exert economic control over half a million square miles of the Artic Ocean, including Santa’s North Pole. WTF? Dude, you are SO on Santa’s naughty list……

July 15, 2015

This WTF Wednesday I feel incredibly snarky and judgmental and it’s meant to be humorous. I am not a fashion goddess, considering most of my clothes come from Target and Marshalls, but on the other hand I’m allowed an opinion. What started this post was when I spent a week in San Diego this summer and…

June 3, 2015

My author bio mentions that I write from a laptop in the laundry room, but it feels like a tropical island. Honestly, it’s the only place the kids won’t bother me… This video made me laugh my butt off. They have several similar ones, but the “laundry room” spoke to me.